Rich Binning

From: Terry Wohlers (Wohlers Associates)
Date: Tuesday, August 30, 1994

From: Terry Wohlers (Wohlers Associates)
Date: Tuesday, August 30, 1994
Subject: Rich Binning
I have to agree whole heartedly with Elaine and Brock. Their messages were well
put. I didn't know Rich Binning very well, but my limited experience with him
was positive and his reputation was outstanding. 

Dave Tait of Laserform (also an RPA/SME board member) was responsible for
arranging the recognition of Rich. It was his idea. Rich is one of a few that
genuinely contributed to the early growth and application of RP technology. The
excitement that Rich and others generated from their early experiences was
indeed contagious, which is why the technology is presently growing at such a
rapid pace.

I thank Dave Tait for his sensitivity to Rich's contribution to the industry,
especially considering that Rich's company is Laserform's competitor. That made
his idea of honoring Rich even more special. And not only was it fitting and
timely, it was especially touching. Dave Tait's words about him at the
recognition could not have been stated any better. Indeed he will be missed by
many, but his example and contribution to this young industry will be felt for
years to come.

Terry Wohlers

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