Re: Data exchange formats (longish)

From: André Dolenc (Helsinki University of Technology)
Date: Saturday, October 1, 1994

From: André Dolenc (Helsinki University of Technology)
Date: Saturday, October 1, 1994
Subject: Re: Data exchange formats (longish)
Dick Newton - Ford writes:
 > If the problems experienced are due to poor software, and if the CAD and RP
 > community cannot handle manipulating a simple format such as STL, how
 > good a job are they going to do implementing and using something as complicated
 > as STEP? From the people I have talked to that have worked with STEP,

Well, let me make a small change to my statement. I said one "should" use
STEP. I'd rather say now "I highly recommend using STEP-related technology"
for defining new data exchange standards. I hope no one has problems with
that, and let us move on to something else. I can discuss this subject using
private e-mail.

Anyway, regarless of *how* one would implement a new DES, one must first
figure out what to do, ie. define the requirements. Then we can argue about
STEP or whatever.

One last remark: the requirements for facetted and sliced models have a lot
in common. A lot of work can be shared by those developing representations
for both in the context of RPT.


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