Re: bubbles in SL5170

From: Randy Witmer (AMP Incorporated)
Date: Wednesday, May 10, 1995

From: Randy Witmer (AMP  Incorporated)
Date: Wednesday, May 10, 1995
Subject: Re: bubbles in SL5170
	Had the same problem with bubbles in the SL5170.
	Try this it works well.

	(NS 3;P1 4;G1 100;P2 12;G2 4000;P3 5;G3 140;PD 4;ZW 25;ZV .2;ZA .2)

	The slow movement of the wiper on the second sweep, with the deep dip
	pops the bubbles as they are formed, the longer you use this method
	the better it gets.

< Randy S. Witmer                         < Email: > 
< Computer Aided Systems Analyst I        <----------------------------->
< ICAP Model Shop (CGBU)                  <   Phone: (717) 780-6717     >
< AMP Incorporated                        <   Fax:   (717) 780-6790     >

Date: Wed, 10 May 95 15:01:12 EDT
Subject: Bubbles Bubbles Bubbles
>    I don't understand the G2 4000. I thought this only went up to 999% of
>a gap.   ?????
	You are right in the 3D/sys menu system it will only let you put in 999.
	If you go out to dos and edit the ".r" file you can make it anything you
	If you find this works for you (like I did) then you can edit the machine.prm
	file on the computer that you "merge" your files on and put this entire line in
	(NS 3;P1 4;G1 100;P2 12;G2 4000;P3 5;G3 140;PD 4;ZW 25;ZV .2;ZA .2)
	that way every time you merge files this will be the default.
	Below is a copy of a ".r" file and a copy of a machine.prm file.

	Sorry for the confussion.


!MERGE: -FILES 280_S 280_P
!MERGE: -MIN X      1032  -MAX X    19078
!MERGE: -MIN Y      1060  -MAX Y    18500
!SLICE= -VER 3.822 -TF 280_S.STL -B -SF 280_S.SLI -MF 280_S.MSG -RES 10000 -SCL 1.000000 -Z -ZS 100 -MSA 0 -CURE 0.006000 -DELTA 0.05 -HX 2500 -HY 2500 -HA 0 -HFX 0 -HFY 0 -RSH 0 -REH 150 -SHX 0 -SHY 0 -ALT 0 -SLA 250

!SLICE= -VER 3.822 -TF 280_P.STL -B -SF 280_P.SLI -MF 280_P.MSG -RES 10000 -SCL 1.000000 -Z -ZS 50 -MSA 0 -CURE 0.006000 -DELTA 0.05 -HX 40 -HY 40 -HA 0 -HFX 0 -HFY 0 -RSH 0 -REH 150 -SHX 20 -SHY 20 -ALT 1 -SLA 250

* 10000,50,.1270000040531158
LB1,"LT 0.0100;OC 0.0050"
LH1,"LT 0.0100;OC 0.0050"
#BTM,"NS 3;P1 4;G1 100;P2 12;G2 4000;P3 5;G3 140;PD 4;ZW 60;ZV 0.2;ZA 0.2"
LB2,"LT 0.0050;"
LH2,"LT 0.0050;"
LB2,"LT 0.0050;"
LH2,"LT 0.0050;"


!  Build Parameter File
!  Version 3.60
!  **********************************************
!  Part Name:                   Date:
!  Important Data:
!  last altered:
!  **********************************************
!  place options together inside of quotes;  use "" if no options
!  General Parameters
800          Elevator board base address
100          elevator pitch
3.556        XY-only scale factor; Use 3.556 for Inches and Slize res=1000
!!1, 0.0
!!A0, 0.0
17000        X-coordinate offsets
17000        Y-coordinate offsets
5000         Max number of bytes per block in Laser Queue
26000,26000  Minimum X and Y of vat area (for graphics viewport)
39000,39000  Maximum X and Y of vat area
#TOP,"DC+"      ! Drift Correction on
#BTM,"ZW 25;                    ! Z-axis wait time in seconds
        ZD 8;                   ! Z-axis dip depth in mm
        ZV 0.2;                 ! Z-axis velocity parameter
        ZA 0.2"                 ! Z-axis acceleration parameter
!   MACHINE.PRM machine parameter file 05/18/89
SLA-250 0.00386   ! machine type
593     !  Maximum blade steps to cross vat
0.03       !  plunger steps per mil of elevator movement

!  PROFILE Parameters Table
!  Version 3.60
5000,32767    beam rest position
!  Beam Profile Data
3              number of profile sensors
3              second sensor channel #
63455,57466    sensor #1                         changed 04-26-95 MG
0.045          4 mil hole multiplier to get mW        PM 04-26-95 MG
0.0116         1/2 mil
0.00785        1 mils Changed 04-26-95 MG
0.00072        2 mils
1              first sensor channel #
5046,8763      sensor #2
0.040          4 mil hole multiplier to get mW
0.00962        1/2 mil
0.009550        1 mils Changed 04-26-95 MG
0.00048        2 mils
32767,32767    position of 2 mil hole (#3)
0.040          1/2 mil hole multiplier to get mW
0.0010         1 mil
0.00605        2 mils
0.00063        4 mils
!  Temperature Data
4              thermometer channel #
13             # points in thermistor calibration table
19900,10       temperature calibration table...
15720,15       format is resistance (Ohms), temperature (C)
!  Fast, Medium & Slow Calibration Delay Values
!  line format is Spiral time (ms), between points (secs, 1/10 sec res),
!  between rows (secs)
20,0,0         Fast: 20 ms, turnaround as quickly as possible
50,0.5,5       Medium: 50 ms, 1/2 sec, 5 secs
100,20,120     Slow: 100 ms, 20 secs, 2 minutes
!  Slew Rate Limit Parameters
1000           maximum step in either axis
2              delay between step points in milliseconds
!  POWER V3.60 Parameters File
!        SWEEP.PRM 05/18/89
3        !  NS numsweeps
4        !  P1  sweep velocity
100      !  G1  blade gap as a percent of next layer thickness (ignore if NS=1)
12       !  P2
4000     !  G2
5        !  P3
140      !  G3
10       !  P4
100      !  G4
10       !  P5
100      !  G5
10       !  P6
100      !  G6
10       !  P7
100      !  G7
2        !  BI bias when He laser is blocked
9        !  MD plunge Motor Delay : delay between plunger motor pulses (ms)
3.0      !  PS PlungStart : inches plunger moves down to its start position
4        !  UL UPLIM : bi-cell activate level
-4       !  LL LOWLIM: bi-cell activate level
0.006    !  BG BladeGapL0 - distance between liquid and recoater blade (inches)
-1       !  NC Number of checks for leveling ( 0 -> 5 or -1 for auto mode *** )
0.3      !  DA Draining elevator acceleration
0.5      !  DV Draining elevator velocity
0        !  XP eXtra Platform height(mils).ZSafeSweep=ZBladeLevel+60mil+XP
noshow   !  Show or No-Show sweep info ( S or N in the first column )
!  ZSTAGE Parameters File
!  Version 3.60
""       command line options: /NEGZ, /S, /M
800        elevator control board I/O address
.5         acceleration parameter
1          velocity parameter
2000000    big distance (max movement for up or down)
100000     # of microsteps per inch
2000       timeout value
-9.2901802063      ZBladeLevel
-9.3535900116       ZLiquidLevel
0.0000000000      ZUnloadLevel

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