Switch from XB5081 (argh!) to what?

From: Douglas Webb (Stevens Institute of Technology)
Date: Tuesday, June 13, 1995

From: Douglas Webb (Stevens  Institute of Technology)
Date: Tuesday, June 13, 1995
Subject: Switch from XB5081 (argh!) to what?
Hello everyone.
I've been responsible for an SLA250 at Stevens Institute of Technology for a 
few years now, and we're finally getting around to switching to a non-stone-age 
What I need are some recommendations and vendor phone numbers.  I have to
select a resin based on these criteria:
     1) Environmental stability.  Our environmental controls are...lacking.
         Humidity ranges from 40% - 80%, and temperature ranges from
         60F to 80F.
     2) Safe handling.  We don't have any ventilation hoods, just protective
          clothing.  Luckily, our usage level has been low, so there hasn't been
          to much exposure to the materials to date.
     3) Compatibility with existing equipment.  We've got a huge drum of TPM,
          a part cleaning tank filled with TPM, and the UV curing oven.  If we can
          continue to use most or all of this stuff, that'd be great.  (Although I
          wouldn't mind getting rid of the TPM.  I've never had any reaction to the
          resin, but that TPM dries my skin out in a flash.  I've found rubbermaid
          kitchen gloves to be pretty good protection, though.  Anyone else have
         similar problems?)
     4) Price.  As an academic institution, we can't afford to pay too much to
          upgrade our facilities, especially considering the low usage level we
          have.  So, either we need a low-cost upgrade, or a lot of demand for
          our parts.
Thanks for any advice you can give.

Douglas Webb                  doug@sol.dmi.stevens-tech.edu
Design & Manufacturing Institute        (201) 216-8936 - Phone
Stevens Institute of Technology         (201) 216-8963 - Fax
Hoboken, NJ  07030

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