SFF Symposium Update

From: David Bourell (dbourell@mail.utexas.edu)
Date: Wed Nov 05 1997 - 15:17:13 EET

Hi, everyone,

Three items related to the Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium:

1. The 1997 SFF Symposium Proceedings (over 750 pages!) is at the printers
and is on schedule for mail-out to participants in mid-November.

2. The cost for ALL SFF Proceedings, including the 1997 Proceedings, will
INCREASE by 50% effective January 1, 1998. Check the homepage next week
for details (http://lff.me.utexas.edu/).

3. The Ninth Annual SFF Symposium is set for August 10-12, 1998 in Austin.
I hope you can attend.

Dr. Dave Bourell
Temple Foundation Professor
University of Texas at Austin
MC C2200
Austin, Texas 78712-1063

+512-471-3170 voice
+512-471-7681 fax


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