Re: Art and Science

From: michael rees (
Date: Mon Mar 22 1999 - 21:05:40 EET

Elaine Hunt wrote:
> >> There is always a component of art in good science, and an artist must
> >> apply some sceince to express his/her art.
> art is something I do for expression of my being and my
> interest in life. Engineering is a school of thought or exercise in doing,
> bound by ridge rules ..... while doing my art I learn the bounds of
> engineering and expand them into realms where only the fearless tread. In
> engineering I am judged by the failure of my my art I am the
> sole source of my failures.

Thanks Elaine,

Quite interesting, really! You are very clear about the function of
these two disciplines in your life. How do you consider the work of
other artists, artists that participate in a larger social and cultural
arena? Also, do you imagine that art in this larger cultural social
arena is without rules? Also, I'm interested in that you describe both
art and engineering within the context of your failures. Any further
thoughts about that?


michael rees SCULPTOR
1212 w 8th St. Bldg B #2, 	816 753 3020 voice
KC, Mo 64101			816 753 1542 fax

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