Re: [Fwd: Bilder und Mpegs]

From: William D. Richards (
Date: Sun Apr 09 2000 - 16:22:45 EEST

Re: [Fwd: Bilder und Mpegs]

For you English speakers who can't speak German, what Paul Taylor has written is as follows:

I am a student, and I'm making a presentation on Rapid Prototyping. What I would really like, is if someone could email pictures and MPEG movies [of a RP process]? It would be very helpful to me...
Thank you in advance,
Paul Taylor
P.S. The larger the picture and MPEGs, the better. I'm making a Powerpoint presentation. Thanks a lot."

Ich bin ein student, der ein Praesentation ueber Rapid Prototyping machen darf. Wenn es moeglich waere, koennten Sie mir etwas Bilder und Mpegs ueber diese Sachen emailen? Es wuerde mir viel helfen...
Danke in voraus,
Paul Taylor
P.S. Je groesser die Bilder und Mpegs, desto besser. Ich mache ein Powerpoint Praesentation. Danke nocheinmal.

Bill Richards
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