rp-ml problems

From: Hannu Kaikonen (hannu.kaikonen@muotoiluntutkimuslaitos.fi)
Date: Thu Apr 26 2001 - 08:22:19 EEST

Hello again

This is just to let you all know, that I'm painfully aware of the problems
with rp-ml at the moment. But since I no longer work at HUT, it is totally
out of my control. I have however contacted HUT system administrators and
asked for their help... now we can only hope that they can solve the
problem - they're great guys and I'm sure they do all they can to help us.

I know it's hard, but let's try to be brave and bear the inconveniences.

I'm truly sorry for all the troubles this situation has caused and propably
will cause before it is sorted out.

Thanx for your patience.

Yours truly

Hannu Kaikonen
aka Rapid Dude

For more information about the rp-ml, see http://ltk.hut.fi/rp-ml/

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