Re: Solid Freeform Fabrication

From: Marshall Burns (
Date: Thu Jan 10 2002 - 01:50:38 EET

> There are methodologies out there for bringing new ideas through the
> development process. But all require a product champion who understands
> process to push things along.
> Best Regards, Tom Richards, Metallurgist

    Yes, I remember when I read Preston Smith's book with Don Reinertson on
developing products in half the time, all of what they were talking about
seemed to apply to a development process in an established company that has
an imperative to develop products. I asked Reinertson how you apply his
lessons to a little company with more energy than money. He didn't seem to
have an answer.

    It has always seemed to me that my most important job is to assemble a
team of great people to champion the creation of a great line of fabbers.
And I've had some great people participate at various levels in the project.
But I haven't been able to make it rock and roll. Clearly I either need to
learn the push-things-along process or get someone on the team (or running
the team) who knows it.

    All of this fills me with a great deal of respect for Chuck Hull, Scott
Crump, Michael Feygin, and Paul McClure. Although all of them could
certainly wish for greater financial rewards, at least they all managed to
get a machine off the drawing boards and into customers' hands. One day, I
want to experience that.

Best regards,
Marshall Burns
Los Angeles, USA, (310) 397-1314

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