Current Spam Crisis

From: David K. Leigh <>
Date: Fri Feb 06 2004 - 19:31:35 EET

In a day, I have to delete probably 100 useless e-mails. Of those, 75% or
more are rp-ml virus type e-mails. Then 20% are the remove e-mails from
people who are frustrated about the same thing. So, what gives? Is there a
place to which everyone is migrating? Are people finally fed up enough that
the sacrifice of info outweighs the nuisance of spam? Are there any
proposed solutions? How can we increase social services and decrease taxes?
What is the meaning of life? Why does the toilet flush backwards in

Inquiring minds want to know.

David K. Leigh (254)933-1000
Harvest Technologies fax(254)298-0125
Rapid Prototyping Services
Received on Fri Feb 06 19:04:56 2004

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